Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I found my beads!

After 3 stressed days of trying to find the correct beads for my Slow Bee shawl, I FINALLY found them! I had bought what I thought was the correct bead on Saturday. Silly me - I didn't OPEN the tube to check color and then when I finally did, I realized I made a horrible mistake. I have learned some stuff with this little exercise in driving all over the Miami Valley and even over to Indiana in search of seed beads.

1. When you buy 2 tubes of beads, DO NOT, under any circumstances, take one of the tubes and place it in a spot that you won't forget. Inevitably, you will forget. And then when you go to where you thought you put the extra beads and can't find them, you will panic. Learn from my mistake.

2. When the stores say on their answering machines, "If this is a bead emergency, then call XXX-XXXX" TAKE THEM UP ON IT. It will help you sleep and not panic about finding the beads in 2 days when they open up for their normal retail hours. Learn from my mistake.

3. Don't take it out on your husband when you get frustrated about the fact that you can't find your beads that you KNOW are somewhere in the house or the fact that you were too stubborn to call in for the bead emergency. This will lead to arguments about stupid stuff like who has more crap in the house and who is responsible for cleaning and dusting. Learn from my mistake.

Alrghty then, I'm off to knit. Hopefully I can finish this shawl in the next week at the most. Keep your fingers crossed!

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