Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New hair means a new attitude

I'm officially Wopsided - part Italian with a VERY asymmetrical cut. Very cool, too. And I've got a new blond patch on my head, no longer in the same place it was this morning. Again, very cool. Michelle outdid herself once again, and while I'd like to think it was because of the beautiful Butterfly Wings shawl I made her for her birthday, I know it's more for bragging rights in the shop. I mean, really, how many other stylists there can brag about the fact that they gave a new cut, and the blond panels that are the signature trademark of the client now follow the part used to create said cut? And to top it off - and make the platinum yumminess underneath really pop - dye the balance of the hair a gorgeous shade of teak fused with onyx? I don't think there's too many of them out there.

I need to work on a Wopsided attitude. Stay tuned.

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